National adaptation plans

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Decision 18/CP.19

National adaptation plans


Gender reference

Recalls decisions 1/CP.165/CP.17 and 12/CP.18, which mandate a gender-sensitive approach to the development of national adaptation plans.

Elaborated language

The Conference of the Parties,

Recalling decisions 1/CP.16, 5/CP.17 and 12/CP.18,

Affirming that best value adaptation is achieved through early and integrated planning and action at all levels,

Reaffirming the importance of addressing adaptation planning in the broader context of sustainable development,

Noting that addressing climate change risks and impacts will contribute to achieving long-term sustainable development,

Recalling that planning for adaptation at the national level is a continuous, progressive and iterative process, the implementation of which should be based on nationally identified priorities, including those reflected in the relevant national documents, plans and strategies, and coordinated with national sustainable development objectives, plans, policies and programmes,

1. Emphasizes that undertaking the national adaptation plan process is an investment for the future that will enable countries to assess and prioritize adaptation needs in a coherent and strategic manner;

2. Welcomes the technical guidelines for the national adaptation plan process, which will assist the least developed country Parties in undertaking their national adaptation plan process, and which may be used by other Parties;

3. Also welcomes the establishment of the national adaptation plan global support programme for the least developed countries2 for facilitating technical support to the least developed country Parties;

4. Invites developed country Parties, United Nations organizations, specialized agencies and other relevant organizations, as well as bilateral and multilateral agencies, to continue to enhance financial and technical support to the national adaptation plan process for the least developed country Parties, and other interested developing country Parties that are not least developed countries;

5. Also invites United Nations organizations, specialized agencies and other relevant organizations, as well as bilateral and multilateral agencies, to consider establishing or enhancing support programmes for the national adaptation plan process within their mandates, as appropriate, which could facilitate the provision of financial and technical support to developing country Parties that are not least developed countries, and to submit to the secretariat, by 26 March 2014, information on how they have responded to this invitation;

6. Further invites Parties and relevant organizations to submit, by 26 March 2014, information on their experience with the application of the initial guidelines for the formulation of national adaptation plans,3 as well as any other information relevant to the formulation and implementation of the national adaptation plans, for compilation by the secretariat into a miscellaneous document, for consideration by the Subsidiary Body for Implementation at its fortieth session (June 2014);

7. Decides to continue to take stock of, and, if necessary, revise the initial guidelines for the formulation of national adaptation plans at its twentieth session (December 2014), taking into account the submissions referred to in paragraph 6 above. 

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