Enhanced Lima work programme on gender and its gender action plan

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Decision 3/CP.25

Enhanced Lima work programme on gender and its gender action plan


Gender reference

See elaborated language.

Elaborated language

The Conference of the Parties,

Recalling decisions 36/CP.7, 1/CP.16, 23/CP.18, 18/CP.20, 1/CP.21, 21/CP.22 and 3/CP.23, the Paris Agreement and the Katowice climate package,

Acknowledging the continuing need for gender mainstreaming through all relevant targets and goals in activities under the Convention as an important contribution to increasing their effectiveness, fairness and sustainability,

Also acknowledging the important role of the Lima work programme on gender and its gender action plan in advancing gender equality and women’s empowerment in the UNFCCC process, demonstrated by the review by the Subsidiary Body for Implementation,

Noting with appreciation the contributions received from Parties and observers in support of the gender mainstreaming work undertaken to date,

Recognizing with concern that climate change impacts on women and men can often differ owing to historical and current gender inequalities and multidimensional factors and can be more pronounced in developing countries and for local communities and indigenous peoples,

Acknowledging that climate change is a common concern of humankind, Parties should, when taking action to address climate change, respect, promote and consider their respective obligations on human rights, the right to health, the rights of indigenous peoples, local communities, migrants, children, persons with disabilities and people in vulnerable situations and the right to development, as well as gender equality, empowerment of women and intergenerational equity,  

Taking into account the imperatives of a just transition of the workforce and the creation of decent work and quality jobs in accordance with nationally defined development priorities,

1. Welcomes the report on the implementation of the Lima work programme on gender and its gender action plan, and recognizes the action taken by Parties, UNFCCC constituted bodies, the secretariat and observers to implement them;

2. Takes note of the report on the gender composition of Party delegations and constituted bodies,2 which highlights the persistent lack of progress in and the urgent need for improving the representation of women in Party delegations and constituted bodies;

3. Also takes note of the report on progress in integrating a gender perspective into constituted body processes,3 which indicates that an increasing number of constituted bodies are reporting on gender, and encourages constituted bodies to continue strengthening their efforts in this area;

4. Encourages Parties to enhance their efforts to advance the implementation of the decisions referred to in the preamble;

5. Adopts the enhanced five-year Lima work programme on gender and its gender action plan as contained in the annex;

6. Acknowledges that capacity-building, knowledge management and the sharing of experience are essential to supporting relevant actors in designing and implementing gender-responsive climate action and for increasing the effectiveness and scaling up of these measures;

7. Recognizes that the full, meaningful and equal participation and leadership of women in all aspects of the UNFCCC process and in national- and local-level climate policy and action is vital for achieving long-term climate goals;

8. Acknowledges that coherence with relevant United Nations processes, in particular the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development, as applicable, and within national implementation will contribute to improving the efficiency and effectiveness of efforts to integrate gender considerations into climate action;

9. Notes that gender-responsive implementation and means of implementation of climate policy and action can enable Parties to raise ambition, as well as enhance gender equality, and just transition of the workforce and the creation of decent work and quality jobs in accordance with nationally defined development priorities;

10. Decides to undertake a review of the implementation of the enhanced Lima work programme on gender and its gender action plan at the sixty-first session of the Subsidiary Body for Implementation (2024), identifying progress and further work to be undertaken, and to conduct an intermediate review of the progress of implementation of the activities contained in the gender action plan at the fifty-sixth session of the Subsidiary Body for Implementation (June 2022);

11. Encourages Parties to appoint and provide support for a national gender and climate change focal point for climate negotiations, implementation and monitoring;

12. Requests all constituted bodies to continue to include in their regular reports information on progress towards integrating a gender perspective into their processes;

13. Invites Parties to submit information on efforts and steps taken to implement the enhanced Lima work programme on gender and its gender action plan in their national reporting under the UNFCCC process, as applicable;

14. Also invites relevant public and private entities to increase the gender-responsiveness of climate finance with a view to strengthening the capacity of women;  

15. Requests the secretariat to continue to:

(a) Maintain the position of senior gender focal point to retain relevant expertise and support and monitor the implementation of the enhanced Lima work programme on gender and its gender action plan;

(b) Prepare an annual gender composition report and a biennial synthesis report on progress in integrating a gender perspective into constituted body processes;

(c) Provide capacity-building support to constituted bodies and secretariat staff in integrating a gender perspective into their respective areas of work in collaboration with relevant organizations, as appropriate;

(d) Facilitate coordination with other United Nations entities, intergovernmental organizations and non-governmental organizations when supporting the implementation of the enhanced Lima work programme on gender and its gender action plan;

(e) Facilitate support for building and strengthening the skills and capacities of national gender and climate change focal points;

(f) Enhance communication and information-sharing through existing UNFCCC web-based resources and communication activities;

(g) Participate in the United Nations System-Wide Action Plan on Gender Equality and the Empowerment of Women to strengthen the integration of gender considerations within the organization and work of the secretariat;

16. Invites Parties to provide support for developing country Parties to address gender-related action under the Convention and the Paris Agreement, including in relation to the UNFCCC gender action plan;

17. Encourages Parties and relevant organizations to participate and engage in the implementation of the gender-related activities within the gender action plan, as appropriate;

18. Takes note of the estimated budgetary implications of the activities to be undertaken by the secretariat referred to in paragraph 15 above and activities A.1–5, B.1–3, C.1–3, D.1– 3 and 6, and E.1–2 in the annex;

19. Requests that the actions of the secretariat called for in this decision be undertaken subject to the availability of financial resources. 



Gender action plan

1. The enhanced gender action plan sets out objectives and activities under five priority areas that aim to advance knowledge and understanding of gender-responsive climate action and its coherent mainstreaming in the implementation of the UNFCCC and the work of Parties, the secretariat, United Nations entities and all stakeholders at all levels, as well as women’s full, equal and meaningful participation in the UNFCCC process.

Priority areas

2. Parties, the secretariat, UNFCCC constituted bodies and relevant organizations are invited to undertake the activities set out in the gender action plan, as appropriate.

3. The gender action plan sets out, in five priority areas, the activities that will drive the achievement of its objectives. The objectives of each priority area follow in paragraphs 4–8 below.

A. Capacity-building, knowledge management and communication

4. To enhance the systematic integration of gender considerations into climate policy and action and the application of understanding and expertise to the actions called for under the Lima work programme on gender and its gender action plan, and facilitate outreach, knowledge-sharing and the communication of activities undertaken to enhance gender-responsive climate action and its impacts in advancing women’s leadership, achieving gender equality and ensuring effective climate action.

B. Gender balance, participation and women’s leadership

5. To achieve and sustain the full, equal and meaningful participation of women in the UNFCCC process.

C. Coherence

6. To strengthen the integration of gender considerations within the work of UNFCCC constituted bodies, the secretariat and other United Nations entities and stakeholders towards the consistent implementation of gender-related mandates and activities.

D. Gender-responsive implementation and means of implementation

7. To ensure the respect, promotion and consideration of gender equality and the empowerment of women in the implementation of the Convention and the Paris Agreement.

E. Monitoring and reporting

8. To improve tracking of the implementation of and reporting on gender-related mandates under the Lima work programme on gender and its gender action plan. 

See Table 1 for full list of Gender Action Plan activities.

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