Santiago network for averting, minimizing and addressing loss and damage under the Warsaw International Mechanism for Loss and Damage associated with Climate Change Impacts

Decision 11/CP.27

Santiago network for averting, minimizing and addressing loss and damage under the Warsaw International Mechanism for Loss and Damage associated with Climate Change Impacts


Gender reference

10. Also decides that the members of the Advisory Board will be elected at the next session of the governing body or bodies (November–December 2023) and encourages Parties to nominate experts with a diversity of technical experience and knowledge relevant to, inter alia, averting, minimizing and addressing loss and damage associated with the adverse effects of climate change, as well as the roles and responsibilities of the Advisory Board referred to in annex I, taking into account the need for gender balance, in accordance with decisions 36/CP.7, 23/CP.18, and 3/CP.25, and the composition of the Advisory Board outlined in annex I;

Annex I

Terms of reference of the Santiago network for averting, minimizing and addressing loss and damage associated with the adverse effects of climate change

V. Composition of the Advisory Board

9. The Advisory Board will also have three other representatives, one from the women and gender constituency, one from indigenous peoples organizations, and one from the children and youth non-governmental organizations, who may actively participate in the deliberations of the Advisory Board.

VIII. Reporting

18. In line with guidance provided by the Advisory Board, the Santiago network secretariat will prepare an annual report on activities of the Santiago network secretariat and network and on the performance of their respective functions, including information on:

(h) Gender considerations, including through the use of gender-disaggregated data, consistently with decision 3/CP.25.

IX. Review

20. The Santiago network secretariat will commission one independent review of the performance of the Santiago network, including, inter alia, sustainability and sources of funding, adequacy of funding levels relative to technical assistance requests, timeliness, effectiveness, engagement, gender-responsiveness and delivery of technical assistance to communities particularly vulnerable to the adverse effects of climate change, in a timely manner so that the findings of this review can feed into the subsequent review of the Warsaw International Mechanism,6 for determining the need for further independent reviews of the performance of the Santiago network.

Elaborated language

The Conference of the Parties serving as the meeting of the Parties to the Paris Agreement, 

Recalling the Paris Agreement and relevant decisions of the Conference of the Parties and the Conference of the Parties serving as the meeting of the Parties to the Paris Agreement,

1. Recalls that the Santiago network for averting, minimizing and addressing loss and damage associated with the adverse effects of climate change was established to catalyse the technical assistance of relevant organizations, bodies, networks and experts for the implementation of relevant approaches for averting, minimizing and addressing loss and damage associated with the adverse effects of climate change at the local, national and regional level in developing countries that are particularly vulnerable to the adverse effects of climate change;

2. Expresses its appreciation to the Government of Denmark for hosting the technical workshop on institutional arrangements of the Santiago network from 4 to 6 May 2022, including for making the necessary logistical and financial arrangements therefor;

3. Decides that the Santiago network will have the following structure:

(a) A hosted secretariat that will facilitate its work, to be known as the Santiago network secretariat;

(b) An Advisory Board to provide guidance and oversight to the Santiago network secretariat on the effective implementation of the functions of the network;

(c) A network of member organizations, bodies, networks and experts covering a wide range of topics relevant to averting, minimizing and addressing loss and damage;

4. Recalls decision 1/CMA.3, paragraph 67, in which it was decided that the Santiago network will be provided with funds to support technical assistance for the implementation of relevant approaches to averting, minimizing and addressing loss and damage associated with the adverse effects of climate change in developing countries in support of the functions set out in paragraph 9 of decision 19/CMA.3;

5. Also recalls decision 1/CMA.3, paragraph 70, which urges developed country Parties to provide funds for the operation of the Santiago network and for the provision of technical assistance as set out in paragraph 67 of the same decision;

6. Encourages others to provide support for the operation of the Santiago network and technical assistance;

7. Welcomes the pledges that have already been made to the Santiago network;

8. Adopts the terms of reference of the Santiago network contained in annex I;

9. Decides to establish the Advisory Board of the Santiago network as part of the Warsaw International Mechanism for Loss and Damage associated with Climate Change Impacts, which will be under the authority and guidance of and accountable to the appropriate governing body or bodies4 and have the roles and responsibilities outlined in annex I;

10. Also decides that the members of the Advisory Board will be elected at the next session of the governing body or bodies (November–December 2023) and encourages Parties to nominate experts with a diversity of technical experience and knowledge relevant to, inter alia, averting, minimizing and addressing loss and damage associated with the adverse effects of climate change, as well as the roles and responsibilities of the Advisory Board referred to in annex I, taking into account the need for gender balance, in accordance with decisions 36/CP.7, 23/CP.18, and 3/CP.25, and the composition of the Advisory Board outlined in annex I;


Annex I

Terms of reference of the Santiago network for averting, minimizing and addressing loss and damage associated with the adverse effects of climate change

V. Composition of the Advisory Board

8. The Advisory Board, with the aim of achieving fair and balanced representation, shall be composed of the following:

(a) Two members from each of the five recognized United Nations regional groups;

(b) One member each from the least developed countries and small island developing States;

(c) Two members of the Executive Committee, nominated by the Executive Committee from among its members.

9. The Advisory Board will also have three other representatives, one from the women and gender constituency, one from indigenous peoples organizations, and one from the children and youth non-governmental organizations, who may actively participate in the deliberations of the Advisory Board.


VIII. Reporting

18. In line with guidance provided by the Advisory Board, the Santiago network secretariat will prepare an annual report on activities of the Santiago network secretariat and network and on the performance of their respective functions, including information on:

(a) Requests received and activities carried out by the Santiago network and their outcomes;

(b) Responses to requests;

(c) Ongoing work as well as lessons learned and best practices derived from that work;

(d) Support delivered in regions, finance disbursed and administrative costs;

(e) Inclusion of new members in the Santiago network and their engagement therein;

(f) Assistance to developing country Parties in identifying, prioritizing and communicating their needs for technical assistance;

(g) Efforts to reach communities that are particularly vulnerable to the adverse effects of climate change;

(h) Gender considerations, including through the use of gender-disaggregated data, consistently with decision 3/CP.25.

19. The Santiago network secretariat will prepare an annual report and submit it to the Advisory Board for its consideration and approval. The approved report will be forwarded to the secretariat to be included in a joint annual report of the Santiago network and the Executive Committee submitted to the governing body or bodies through their subsidiary bodies.

IX. Review

20. The Santiago network secretariat will commission one independent review of the performance of the Santiago network, including, inter alia, sustainability and sources of funding, adequacy of funding levels relative to technical assistance requests, timeliness, effectiveness, engagement, gender-responsiveness and delivery of technical assistance to communities particularly vulnerable to the adverse effects of climate change, in a timely manner so that the findings of this review can feed into the subsequent review of the Warsaw International Mechanism,6 for determining the need for further independent reviews of the performance of the Santiago network.

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